Truefy Technologies


Our cloud services

Cloud application services


Cloud Services

We’ve designed, facilitated, and implemented cloud and SOA-based systems for a wide range of clients across various industries.

Today, organizations of all sizes and across all industries are grappling with an ever-growing number of connections and transactions. More and more, your customers, employees, and suppliers are seeking access to information. This increasing demand is putting pressure on your infrastructure, systems, applications, and IT resources. Supporting dynamic markets may require more flexibility than your traditional IT model offers. Moreover, as demands for data storage capacity explode, datacenter costs continue to rise.

Failing to respond to any of these challenges can slow business growth and put your company at a competitive disadvantage. Cloud services may hold the answer to these challenges.

Treufy Technologies Cloud Services Advantage:

Treufy Technologies offers cloud-based hosting solutions as part of any software engineering engagement we undertake.

We’ve built, hosted, and deployed cloud and SOA-based systems for a wide range of clients across various industries. Our professionals have in-depth experience with the technologies and best practices within each layer of the cloud stack – Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Migrating To The Cloud:

Cloud migration services at Treufy Technologies are designed to complement our application development services and provide a comprehensive solution from development to testing, hosting, support, to operations. Migrating to the cloud with us offers you the following benefits:

  • – Extensive expertise in large
  • -scale hosting solutions
  • – Software as a Service delivery model
  • – 24×7 monitoring and technical support
  • – High availability and scalability
  • – Advanced tools and flexible administration
  • – Multiple hosting options:
  • – Build and support a private cloud within or outside your organization
  • – Host and operate a secured cloud environment for you
  • – Public Cloud – Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure
  • – Heterogeneous deployments across diverse federated clouds
  • – We offer flexible pricing structures & minimal upfront implementation costs